6. How Long Does It Take to Charge an Electric Car?

 To calculate how long it will take to fully charge your EV:

  1. Take the vehicle's battery capacity, found in the owner's manual, which is usually in kilowatt-hours (kWh), and
  2. Divide that by the charging station's rated kilowatt (kW) output.

For instance, a 100% EV model that has a 42 kilowatt-hour (42kWh) battery capacity will take approximately 6 hours to fully charge from a 7.2 kilowatts rated charger: 42 divided by 7.2 = 6.

 Note: Every EV model has a charging rate which indicates the amount of power the battery can safely accept regardless of the amount of power being delivered by the charging station. Find out your vehicle’s charging rate provided in the owner's manual.

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